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To date, data protection and security requirements have impeded the acceptance of cloud solutions in the public environment. Recently, however, cloud services have increasingly become an issue for public administrations and companies such as hospitals, utilities and public authorities.
At a seminar organised by the University of Bern, Julia Bhend and other experts will present legal challenges of cloud procurement, point out solutions and report on practical experience.
More information and registration:
Julia Bhend will speak at the conference “Digitisation – Contract Design, Data and Liability” of the University of St. Gallen on “Responsibilities under data protection law”. Who is responsible for what under data protection law? Who is a processor? Who is a controller? What is the impact of the ECJ ruling of 5 June 2018 on Facebook Fanpages on the distribution of the responsibilities? What do these concepts mean under Swiss data protection law? And what effects do the different responsibilities have on contract design?
The event will take place on 16 November 2018 at the SIX ConventionPoint in Zurich.
Does a Swiss law firm have to comply with the GDPR? How can the requirements of the GDPR be implemented if required? Should data privacy notices be adapted and consent obtained? Does a record of data processing activities have to be kept? Is it necessary to appoint an EU representative? Can a newsletter still be sent out?
These and similar questions will be answered by Julia Bhend together with co-speakers Clara-Ann Gordon and David Vasella at the upcoming forum of the Zurich Bar Association.
The following event will be in German.
Das Datenschutzrecht in der EU und in der Schweiz erfährt derzeit fundamentale Änderungen. Die Rechte der Betroffenen werden ausgebaut und umfangreiche Informations- und Dokumentationspflichten eingeführt. Unternehmen werden in Zukunft viel stärker in die Pflicht genommen. Verstösse gegen das Datenschutzrecht werden neu mit drastischen Sanktionen geahndet, neben hohen Bussen können bestimmte Verstösse auch zu persönlicher Haftung der Involvierten führen.
Jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt, um die notwendigen Umsetzungsarbeiten an die Hand zu nehmen.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Führungskräfte wie IT-Verantwortliche, Personalverantwortliche, Mitglieder der Geschäftsleitung und Verwaltungsräte sowie Revisoren, Compliance Officer und andere Personen, die sich im Unternehmen mit Datenschutz befassen.